It all starts with customer research -
It is generally the Information Architect's responsibility to perform customer investigation to uncover insights that drive asset taxonomies and interaction design. However, the valuable time that IAs have with end-users can provide important insights to the Creative team in charge of defining digital brands, as well. Strict behavioral research often has IAs putting "blinders" on when attitudes and perceptions can also be collected and analyzed. Maximize time spent with end-users. Collect as much data as possible. Do NOT restrict data collection to behavioral data.
Influencing Short and Long-Term Brand Perceptions -
If the brand in question is mature then end-users probably have some preconceptions and feelings that influence their behavior related to the brand. Brand objectives range from reinforcing these perceptions to changing them. While visual design stimulates immediate and emotional responses that form perceptions, lasting brand impressions result from interaction and long-term satisfaction with brand experiences. If this is true, then IA plays a vital role in reducing end-user frustrations. Minimizing frustration often results in greater end-user brand loyalty and trust.
Interaction Design Creates and Influences Brand Perceptions -
As mentioned earlier, the user experience on web sites influences end-users' perceptions of business brands. Therefore, interaction design is the conduit for direct end-user interaction with a brand...and the criteria upon which the brand experience will be judged. Interaction design decisions made by Information Architects will drive these perceptions. It requires an in-depth understanding of what current brand perceptions are, related to a specific business brand, and how Brand Managers want the current brand perception to shift.
Jonathan Lupo VP / Information Architecture - Empathy Lab