Monday, August 09, 2010

How to design for success

Too many digital initiatives are started in an effort to "stay relevant" or "keep up with what competitors are doing." While these may be goals unto themselves, there is a more stringent framework that a business should use to green-light digital initiatives, resulting in better business results. Whether the goal is to improve conversion on an eCommerce experience or to drive engagement, there should be business-driven or end-user-driven goals for any digital experience. That being said, simply having goals isn't enough. Goals should be measureable. Fortunately, given the nature of the medium, digital design can be measured.

The following is a framework to use when developing an approach to any digital initiative:

Step 1 - Define and document goals and objectives for the business. Understanding how and why an experience can be improved is essential to developing a measurement plan for any additional design or enhancements to an experience. What are the current goals for the business (online or offline)? How will enhancing the digital platform assist in achieving these business goals? Interview key business stakeholders to understand where the business is going and how the interactive medium will play a role in its future.

Step 2 - Define and document goals and objectives for customers. Customers, whether they are consumers or business users, should be at the core of any business. Understanding their needs, behavior, and frustrations is paramount in designing digital interfaces and enhancements to the digital platforms for any business. Conduct qualitative behavioral research interviews with actual end-users to get a better perspective on their needs.

Step 3 - Develop and document a methodology to measure success by understanding how the above business and customer goals translate into measurable performance indicators and optimal behaviors.

Step 4 - Plan for a successful design by "wireframing" an experience before spending time and effort in Photoshop. There are many prototyping tools such as Visio, Axure, and InDesign that enable the designer to focus on meeting business and end-user goals with their design prior to "decorating" an experience.

Step 5 - Measure first, develop and deploy, then measure again! Prior to launching an enhanced or new digital experience, conduct usability and acceptance testing on a planned design to see if it will likely meet customer needs. Revise the design if it seems like there are major usability issues. If and when major issues are solved, deploy the experience and measure it again. Post-deployment issues that are identified should be put on a road map for later enhancements.

Once a road map is constructed, it will become easier to identify WHAT to enhance. Additionally, it will become clearer that the measurement of digital initiatives against business and customer goals should be the primary driver for any future enhancements.

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